Are You as Healthy as You Think? Take a Nutrition Test and Find Out

If you are serious about your health, then it’s likely that you have adopted a lifestyle with the right mix of diet and exercise, and believe that you are quite healthy. But, are you really as healthy as you think? If you want to be sure, you can take a nutrition test to determine your nutritional levels. However, it’s possible that you may be surprised by the results.

It may be that despite your strict diet of organic veggies, lean meat, and wholesome fruits combined with a 5 day a week exercise regimen, you may not be as healthy as you think. How could that be possible? Well, there are a number of factors that can conspire to derail your efforts. These include free radicals, chemicals in processed foods, and ‘healthy food’ that’s really no good for you.

• Free radicals are damaged cells that are formed due to normal metabolic function, but get out of control due to stress, the environment, smoking, poor diet, and other factors. They then send off charges that can damage other cells and precipitate premature aging, and chronic disease. When free radicals multiply, they can cause oxidative stress, which impairs proper physiological function in the body.
• Refined sugar, trans fats, artificial flavors, and high fructose corn syrup, are just a few of the additives in processed foods that are bad for your health. These unhealthy ingredients contribute to a number of chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.
• Many of the foods located in the healthy aisle of the supermarket are in fact masters of disguise. They make you believe that they are healthy options, but they really are not. Make sure you get the facts on the food you are going to buy, so that you are not tricked into buying them under the guise that they are good for you. Many of these foods have the same fat and nutrients found in their less healthy counterparts.

What is the Biophotonic Scanner Test?
A nutrition test can give you the information you need to fight off these invaders. At the Serenity Med Spa in San Francisco, CA, they offer the Biophotonic Scanner test, which tells you how healthy you are. Once you have this vital information about your nutritional status, you can make the necessary adjustments to safeguard your health.

The Biophotonic Scanner is recognized as a revolutionary tool developed to measure the antioxidant levels in your skin. Armed with the results of this nutrition test, the Serenity Med Spa is able to devise a personalized program for you that will remedy any existing nutritional deficiencies.

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