The physical and psychological Benefits of a Male Breast Reduction – Gynecomastia

Many men with enlarged breasts consider the condition embarrassing, and are turning to plastic surgery for relief. Men who suffer from the condition know the profound benefits of a male breast reduction. Enlarged male breasts or gynecomastia is often the result of out-of-control hormones during puberty, but is also a problem for adult males.

Enlarged male breasts may be the result of excess tissue or fat. In addition to hormonal factors, gynecomastia may be due to obesity, steroids, and certain prescription medication. The condition is often the result of overdeveloped mammary glands in the breast.

Treatment for Gynecomastia: Male breast reduction surgery involves the removal of excess breast tissue as well as fat tissue. This can be done by way of liposuction, or excision. The method used will depend on the amount of fat and/or tissue that needs to be removed.However there are times when reduction may require a combination of both techniques.

In the case of liposuction, a small incision is made on the breast or under the armpit, and liposuction cannulas are used to suction out the fat. The incisionfor surgery is usually made along the areola border.

Excision is the traditional method used to treat gynecomastia. The incision is generally made around the areola to open up the skin. Once this is done, the glandular tissue can be easily removed. This method is preferred when the enlarged breasts are the result of excess tissue.

How men can benefit from male reduction surgery: Gynecomastia is a common problem faced by many men during their lifetime, and for some of them it often leads to physical and emotional complications. For these men, the psychological and physical benefits of male reduction surgery are immense, because correcting gynecomastia will make them feel less conscious about themselves.

Surgery will also contour the breasts and make them look more masculine, as they will no longer have a soft, rounded feminine appearance. Men will be able to show off their masculine chests, and no longer have to hide under baggy shirts. Male breast reduction gives most men an improved sense of well-being, and better quality of life.

There are many men with enlarged breasts that suffer psychologically and are unable to talk to anyone about it. The benefits of a male breast reduction surgery to those men who have gynecomastia are very significant.

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