Best Laser for Scar Removal

Do you have a scar that you would like removed?  Fortunately, there are several effective scar removal options available, including laser therapy.  Patients interested in laser treatment for scars often want to know which is the best laser for scar removal.

What causes scars?

Scars are a part of the natural healing process after an injury to the skin.  When the skin is injured the body forms collagen (a skin protein) to help repair the wound, and this leads to some degree of scarring.  The quality and texture of the scar tissue is usually different from the surrounding tissue. 

Best Laser for Scar Removal

There are several laser technologies that can be used to successfully reduce the appearance of scars, including the following:

  • Vbeam pulsed dye laser

Pulsed dye lasers target the pigment in the skin, and this makes them very effective for reducing the redness associated with scars.  Removing the redness helps the scar blend in with the surrounding skin.  The Vbeam laser also reduces raised scars.

  • Halo Hybrid Fractional laser

The Halo Hybrid is a fractional laser that creates microscopic areas of injury in the skin.  This induces the formation of new collagen, causing scars to become softer and flatter over time. 

  • Fraxel Dual Laser

The Fraxel laser has two wavelengths.  One wavelength targets the surface of the skin while the other penetrates below the skin and breaks up the scar tissue, so the Fraxel Dual is particularly effective for textured scars.

During consultation the dermatologist will determine the best laser treatment based on the characteristics of the scar, and the patient’s skin type.

Would you like to learn more about laser scar removal?  Search our directory to find a practice in your area.

If you are in the Washington, D.C. area, Capital Laser & Skin Care, Chevy Chase, MD is our featured practice.

You can reach them at, or by calling (301) 679-7550.

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