CoolMini vs. Kybella vs. Chin Lipo: Which is best to remove a double chin?

There was a time when chin lipo was the only option for getting rid of your double chin, but now CoolMini and Kybella are also in the mix. So just how do you decide between CoolMini vs Kybella vs chin lipo, and which is best to remove your double chin. Learning more about the procedures is a good place to start.

CoolMini vs Kybella vs Chin Lipo
These are all very effective options for getting rid of your double chin. CoolMini uses controlled cooling to freeze and destroy fat cells, while Kybella is an injectable that melts chin fatusing a derivative of deoxycholic acid. Chin lipo is a surgical solution.

Which is best
CoolMini and Kybella are appropriate options for younger patients with good skin elasticity. While most patients can return to work immediately after CoolMini treatment, there is usually significant swelling for 2-3 days after Kybella injections. The choice between CoolMini and Kybella often comes down to cost, and patient preference.

Chin lipo is the most invasive procedure, but is a fitting alternative for people that have a lot of excess skin below the chin, along with fatty deposits. Chin lipo is a one off procedure, CoolMini may need 1-2 treatments, and Kybella usually requires 2-4 treatments.

If you are looking for the most suitable option to correct your double chin, it’s best to consult with a board certified plastic surgeon.

Clients in Tupelo, MS, can contact Dr. Mark Craig of Accent Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. Dr. Craig fully understands all the options, and will recommend the solution that is most appropriate for your specific situation and desired outcome. Call (662) 377-6290 today to schedule a consultation.

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