Erase the years with Little Rock laser skin resurfacing

Age spots, sun damage, wrinkles … these are all signs of age that can be corrected with Little Rock laser skin resurfacing.  Your skin can be soft and smooth again with Little Rock laser skin resurfacing. Skin resurfacing can remove skin blemishes, wrinkles, and fine lines, to help erase the years.

Why Skin Resurfacing

When you think about it, your skin has to endure a lot. It acts as a vital defense against the sun, toxins, and many other destructive elements, so you can understand why after a number of years everything takes a toll.

Also, skin tends to lose its elasticity as you age, and that coupled with the environmental and other factors just mentioned, makes it become dull and tired looking. Skin resurfacing is one way to restore the skin’s smoothness and suppleness, and get rid of fine lines and wrinkles.

Skin Resurfacing lasers

The Pixel 2940 Er: Yag laser is available in Little Rock, and is very effective in achieving dramatic skin resurfacing results. It also gives clients a more youthful appearance. With the Pixel 2940 Er: Yag laser there is typically no downtime, you simply go in and have your treatment and then leave. Healing takes place much faster with this laser because it creates only micro-sized injury points in the skin. This is done without disturbing the surrounding skin tissue, thereby allowing the healing process to start immediately.

The Pixel 2940 Er: Yag laser is a very gentle laser that also helps to stimulate collage. It is safe enough to be used on all parts of the body.

Severe sun damage and very deep wrinkles can be effectively treated with Little Rock laser skin resurfacing. If you are in the Little Rock area, then Sona Med Spa is the place to go for laser skin resurfacing.

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