Say “Good bye” to Love Handles and Fat with an Exilis body contouring treatment

If your love handles are making you feel unlovely, then maybe it’s time to do something about them. Perhaps you don’t know what to do, because you’ve tried everything to get rid of the stubborn belly fat on the sides without success. Don’t despair, because you can now say goodbye to love handles and fat with an Exilis body treatment.  But what is Exilis and how does it work?

Exilis Body Treatment

Exilis is a body contouring treatment that uses radiofrequency (RF) technology to shape and tighten the body. The laser energy targets and heats the fat cells in the deep layers of the skin. This action destroys the fat cells without harming the surrounding healthy cells. This makes it the ideal option for those localized areas of fat deposits like love handles, which are often difficult to trim.

Exilis also enhances the production of collagen and elastin. As a result, skin gets tighter and firmer over time. Exilis is a non-invasive treatment that works fast and has little downtime. This means that patients can quickly resume regular activities.

It generally takes 4 to 6 treatments with Exilis to achieve the desired fat reduction; however, many patients notice improvement after only one session. Exilis is a safe body contouring alternative that has been tested and cleared by the FDA. No significant side effects have been reported with Exilis (learn more).

Exilis treatment is available at Cobb Wellness and Aesthetics, Roswell, GA. So, if you are ready to say goodbye to love handles and fat, give us a call today at 770-649-0094. During your consultation Dr. Linda Kelley, will tell you more about the Exilis body treatment.

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