Feel no Pain with modern Hair Removal Lasers

If you have ever longed for the time when you never again have to shave or pluck unwanted hair, then you will certainly appreciate hair removal lasers. Whether you have undesirable hair on the face, chest, or back, these devices can give you the long lasting results you desire. Traditional hair removal methods like tweezing, shaving, and plucking are not only painful, they are also temporary, but hair removal lasers solve that problem by giving you results that last.

Because unwanted hair is a problem for both men and women, laser hair removal is now one of the most popular aesthetic treatments. These lasers can be used to remove large or small areas of unwanted hair. Older lasers work best with light skin and dark hair, but newer models like the Soprano XLi by Alma Lasers, is effective on all skin types.

Soprano XLi uses breakthrough hair removal technology to ensure that hair removal is not only pain free, but produces long lasting results. With the Soprano XLi you can expect less pain because of the SHR In-Motion technology.

The SHR or super hair removal innovation of the Soprano XLi makes it faster and more effective. SHR is more comfortable for the patient, because it penetrates deep into the hair follicle, and treats the hair at the root. Instead of releasing a significant amount of energy to the root of the hair follicle all at once, SHR innovation gradually heats the skin, thereby preventing damage to surrounding tissue.

Before starting the procedure the hair will be shaved, the skin cleaned, and anesthetic cream applied. The laser is then used to treat the hair follicle. This may be somewhat uncomfortable, but not painful.  With hair removal lasers, you will have to do several treatments before experiencing permanent hair reduction. Lasers like the Soprano XLi are easy to use, but the procedure must be done by a medical professional.

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