Rejuvenate your eyes with Fort Lauderdale Blepharoplasty

Wrinkles at the corner of the eyes and droopy eyelids can make you look older, but many people in Fort Lauderdale are choosing blepharoplasty to correct this. Blepharoplasty or eyelid lift surgery is in high demand, and the numbers are increasing, as more people are turning to eyelid surgery to remain young and competitive in the marketplace.

Why choose eyelid lift
The muscles around the eyes weaken as we age, and the skin also becomes thinner. Since the skin is not as firm as it once was, the skin sags and fat also accumulates there. These features combine to make you look tired and worn out.

An eyelid lift can rejuvenate the eye area, by improvingthe appearance of both the upper andlower eyelids. The procedure can also get rid of puffy bags under the eyes, as well as sagging skin in the lower eyelids.

About Eyelid lift surgery
Before starting surgery, the plastic surgeon will clearly mark those areas that have been targeted for fat and skin removal. Blepharoplasty is normally done as an outpatient procedure, usually with local anesthesia and IV sedation.

In the case of upper eyelid surgery, the incisions are generally made in the crease of the upper eyelids. If the lower eyelids are also being done, then the incisions are made just below the eyelids. When incisions are made at these locations, they are less visible after surgery. Bruising and swelling often occurs after surgery, but generally clear within 2-4 weeks.

The ideal candidates for blepharoplasty should be healthy, non-smokers, and should have realistic expectations about surgery. In addition, they should not have any underlying eye conditions.

At the Center for Ophthalmology and Laser Surgery in Fort Lauderdale, blepharoplasty is performed by Dr. Michael Loeffler, a skilled and experienced oculoplastic surgeon.

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