How Can I Improve A Weak Chin?

If you have a weak chin that you don’t like one bit, chances are you may be wondering – How can I improve a weak chin? If you do, there are several chin enhancement options that can fix the problem for you.

Do You Have A Weak Chin?

Having a chin that’s the right size and shape creates greater facial balance, and makes you look more youthful. However, when the chin is recessive and does not project forward far enough, it’s referred to as a weak chin.

How Can You Improve A Weak Chin?

A weak chin is usually caused by genetics, but it can be improved with chin augmentation.

Chin augmentation is an in-office procedure that may be done under local or general anesthesia. The implant for surgery is typically made of medical-grade soft silicone, which feels a lot like the natural tissue in the chin. The incision for surgery is made in the crease below the chin, and the implant is placed under the mentalis muscle. The mentalis muscle is located just beneath the lower lip, near the tip of the chin.

Are You A Good Candidate?

If you have a weak chin and don’t have any functional problems with your jaws, chin augmentation may be the right procedure for you. It’s always best to have an evaluation done by a board certified plastic surgeon, with special training and expertise in facial implants.

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