How Long aftermale breast reductiondoes it take for Nipple Swelling to go down and Return to Normal Size?

Nowadays, more men are choosing to undergo breast reduction to deal with the embarrassing problem of gynecomastia, or enlarged male breasts. Gynecomastia may be due to several factors including hormonal imbalances, and certain medications.  Breast reduction is a simple procedure, but there is some post-op swelling to deal with. How long after male breast reduction does it take for nipple swelling to go down and return to normal size?

Male breast reduction Surgery
Breast reduction surgery is an outpatient procedure that may involve liposuction,direct excision, or a combination of both. If the enlarged male breasts are the result of too much fatty tissue, liposuction is done to remove the excess fat. However, if the problem is largely due to surplus glandular tissue then the surplus tissue is excised. Patients should be at a stable weight before considering breast reduction surgery.

How long does nipple swelling take to go down?
Bruising and swelling is normal after male breast reduction surgery, and the nipples may lookeven bigger after the stitches are removed. The bruising can take 3-4 weeks to resolve, but the swelling may take longer. A compression garment is usually worn after surgery to help minimize the swelling. Despite this, it can take up to 6 months before the swelling of the nipples goes down completely.

Clients in Santa Clara County can contact Illuminate Plastic Surgery, Palo Alto, CA, for more information on male breast reduction.

Call 650-433-8621 today to set up a consultation with Dr. David Boudreault. Dr. Boudreault will conduct a physical examination and discuss the procedures with you, and then determine which would be more suitable for your specific situation.

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