How Long Does the Coolsculpting Procedure Last and How Many Treatments Are Needed?

You can’t always exercise away that extra bodyfat, but you can freeze it away with CoolSculptingfat reduction treatment. If you need to get rid of those annoying love handles, or that bothersome muffin top,CoolSculpting may be a great option for you. But how long does the CoolSculpting procedure last, and how many treatments are needed.

What is CoolSculpting?
CoolSculpting is a revolutionary technology that uses controlled cooling to get rid of stubborn fat. The non-surgical procedure freezes and destroys the fat cells below the surface of the skin. It does this without affecting the surrounding tissues.  CoolSculpting is FDA cleared to treat fat on the belly, back, arms, thighs, below the bra, and under the chin.

How long does the procedure last?
The time the CoolSculpting procedure lasts depends on the number of areas being treated, as well as the number of machines being used. It typically takes one hour to treat a single area, such as the abdomen.

How many treatments are needed?
The number of treatments required will depend on the preferredcircumferential reduction. However, most patients achieve their desired results after 2 treatment sessions.

What to expect
There is generally some bruising and swelling after the procedure, but this usually resolves within a few days. There is no downtime after CoolSculpting, so you can return to normal activities immediately. You can expect to see fat reduction of 20-25% in one treatment.

If you are ready to eliminate that stubborn body fat with CoolSculpting, contact the Langdon Center for Laser & Cosmetic Surgery, Guilford, CT to find out more. Call844-551-9880 today, to set up a consultation with Dr. Robert Langdon Connecticut.

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