How Much Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Cost?

Have you always wanted to redraw your body contours by reshaping your flat, sagging buttocks, but you’re concerned about the cost? That’s understandable. Although you’d like to get a fuller, shapely derriere you want to do so without breaking the bank. So how much does a Brazilian butt lift cost.

What is a Brazilian butt lift?
The Brazilian butt lift is a surgical procedure that is done by taking fat from one part of the patient’s body, and using it to add volume to the buttocks. The abdomen, flanks, and inner thighs, are the areas from which fat is normally harvested.

How it works
The surgeon will make tiny incisions in the selected areas and carefully extract the fat using a gentle liposuction technique. The fat is processed, and then injected into different regions of the buttocks to create the desired size and shape.

How much does a Brazilian butt lift cost?
Typically, the cost of a Brazilian butt lift can range from$8,000-$15000. The cost of the procedure will be influenced by several variables including the amount of liposuction that needs to be done, the complexity of the procedure,and the geographic location.

If the surgeon has to performliposuction on several areas in order to collect enough fat, the surgical fees may be more. The cost of the procedure will also be higher than the average in cities that have a high cost of living.

Also, surgeons that are veryexperienced and have been performing the procedure for a long time may chargehigher fees.

Are you ready to improve the shape and size of your butt with a Brazilian butt lift? Search our directory to find a practice in your area.

If you are in the El Paso, TX area, El Paso Cosmetic Surgery is our featured practice.

You can reach them at, or by calling (915) 351-1116.

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