How much does a rhinoplasty typically cost?

Some people consider the nose the defining facial feature, so if it’s not in harmony with their other features of the face they decide to get a nose job or rhinoplasty to fix it. Nose surgery is one of the top plastic surgeries done in the US each year, so people are curious to find out – ‘How much does a rhinoplasty typically cost.’

Rhinoplasty Overview

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to reshape the nose. Many people undergo nose surgery for cosmetic reasons, but it is sometimes done for functional reasons, such as to correct an injury or breathing disorder.

How Much Does a Rhinoplasty Cost?

The cost of a rhinoplasty depends on several factors including geographic location, and the complexity of the work that needs to be done. For example, tip work won’t cost the same as removing a bony hump.

The cost of rhinoplasty ranges from $5,000 – $6,000, and revision rhinoplasty is likely to cost more.

When looking at the cost of rhinoplasty, it is important to remember that plastic surgeons rank rhinoplasty as one of the most difficult cosmetic operations to perform.

Rhinoplasty is one of those surgeries that requires not just skill, but artistic sensibilities, along with a scientific understanding of the ear, nose, and throat.

For this reason, you should never let cost be the deciding factor when getting a nose job. Instead, you should confirm the surgeon’s expertise, and view before and after photos of previous rhinoplasty patients.

A well-done nose job will appear natural and won’t look ‘done,’ so be sure to choose an experienced and skilled plastic surgeon for the operation.

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