How soon can I wash after FUE hair transplant?

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a hair harvesting method that can restore your hair and produce natural looking results. However, in order to gain optimal results, you must ensure that you follow your doctor’s advice regarding post-operative care. One of the most important questions you should ask your doctor is – How soon can I wash after FUE hair transplant?

What is FUE?
FUE is a minimally invasive hair harvesting technique, used to extract hair from the donor area. The procedure is done under local anesthetic. The hairs are individually extracted using an automated hair transplant device.

FUE hair transplantation is considered a more efficient method to the strip harvesting technique, as more grafts can be removed in one session. In addition, the procedure does not leave a linear scar behind.

How soon can you wash after FUE hair transplant?
Washing your hair is generally not recommended until the grafts are fully healed, because at that time the roots are anchored beneath the skin. This usually takes about 7-9 days. The follicles are vulnerable before this time, as the roots are not yet set, so it’s best to avoid washing or massaging the transplanted hair.

However, some doctors ask their patients to come in the day after surgery for a special sponge wash. Regular washing is usually resumed once the scabs have all come off. Be sure to discuss post-operative procedures with your doctor before surgery, so that you take care of your hair the correct way.

The FUE hair transplant method is available at the Langdon Center for Laser and Cosmetic Surgery, Guilford, Connecticut. Call 844-551-9880 to schedule a consultation with Robert Langdon, MD, and find out if the procedure would be suitable for you.

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