Breast augmentation is one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed today. Breast shape and size is often negatively impacted by weight fluctuations, pregnancy, and aging, leaving some women unhappy with the appearance of their breasts. As a result, women in Irvine and other cities across the US opt to undergo breast augmentation, and an increasing number of plastic surgeons are choosing shaped breast implants.
Breast augmentation is designed to increase the breast size, and this is usually done with the use of implants. These implants are usually round or tear-shaped.
Round Implants
Round implants have traditionally been used for breast augmentation. They are available in different profiles, with the choice depending on the desired outcome. Round implants are circular in shape, and tend to give the upper part of the breast a fuller appearance. These have been favored by plastic surgeons because they don’t wrinkle easily, as do the shaped implants which have a textured outer shell. In addition, if these implants rotate, it does not affect the shape of the breasts.
Shaped Implants
Shaped or anatomical breast implants provide a well-needed alternative to round shaped breast implants. The anatomical implants slope downward, creating a similar look to the normal breast. For this reason, the breasts appear quite natural after the procedure. Anatomical implants have a textured shell and are usually silicone-filled. The silicone gel is thick and sticky and soft to the touch. Shaped implants need to be precisely positioned; therefore surgery should be performed by a surgeon with the necessary skill.
Women desiring to undergo breast augmentation should do the necessary research about these implants, and also consult with a board certified plastic surgeon. If you are looking to increase breast volume and want to create a natural outcome, then ask your Irvine surgeon about shaped breast implants.