Is Kybella painful?

Kybella has quickly grown in popularitysince it first emerged on the market in 2015. It is the only injectable treatement that is FDA cleared for reducing fat below the chin. Kybella is a very appealing solution, because people like the idea of having a non-surgical alternative for getting rid of their troublesome ‘double chin.’ But what is the procedure like, and is Kybella painful.

Kybella is a new non-surgical solution for treating submental fat (fat below the chin). It is comprised of deoxycholic acid, which is a substance that is naturally present in the body, and is used to break down dietary fat.

Kybella treatment consists of multiple injections that are placed in the area below the chin, and dissolve the fat cells over time.

A single session takes 15-20 minutes, and it typically requires2-3 sessions to achieve optimal fat reduction, but this will depend on the amount of submental fat that has to be treated.

Is Kybella Painful?
Patients will experience some minor discomfort during treatment, but physicians usually apply a topical numbing cream at the start of the procedure. This helps to minimize any discomfort.

A tiny needle is used to inject Kybella below the chin, so patients may feel a stinging sensation or mild burning during treatment.  However, the procedure is not considered painful.

There will be some swelling and bruising at the injection site after treatment. The swelling may take 3-4 weeks to subside.

If you are unhappy with the fullness under your chin, and it’s taking away from your profile, you may want to consider Kybella injectable treatment.

Clients in Long Beach, CA, can contact Laser Skin Care Center Dermatology Associates, for more information about the procedure.

Call us today at(562) 997-1144 to schedule a consultation with one of our dermatologists.

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