Is there any downtime associated with Brazilian butt lift procedures?

Are you interested in the Brazilian butt lift, but curious to find out what the recovery time is like. It’s important to know the time line for recovery beforehand, so that you can adequately prepare. So is there any downtime associated with the Brazilian butt lift.

Brazilian butt lift
The Brazilian butt lift is a procedure that is done to shape and contour the buttocks, using your own fat. The fat is typically taken from donor areas such as the abdomen and flanks. The fat is extracted via liposuction, and is then processed before being strategically placed in the buttocks.

Is there any downtime associated with Brazilian butt lift procedures?
The Brazilian butt lift is an extensive procedure that can take up to4 hours to perform, so you can expect that there will be some downtime after surgery. This can last anywhere from 7 to 14 days.

Patients should expect to experience post-op swelling and bruising for several weeks, and there will be some level of discomfort. There is also likely to be some drainage from the liposuction sites, and depending on the amount of fat removed, drainage tubes may be inserted to help draw off the fluid. A compression garment is also needed to minimize swelling, and assist with contouring.

Patients are advised to minimize sitting for the first 2-3 weeks after surgery. Surgeons recommend not sitting for more than 3 hours at a time, as this could put undue pressure on the fat grafts, and affect the final results.

Clients in El Paso, TX, can contact El Paso Cosmetic Surgery to learn more about the downtime associated with the Brazilian butt lift.

Call (915) 351-1116 today to schedule a consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ozan Sozer.

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