Juvederm for under eye bags and puffiness

Bags below the eyes can make you look tired and old regardless of how energetic and youthful you may feel. However, hyaluronic fillers such as Juvederm are often used to correct this problem. But how well does Juvederm work for undereye bags and puffiness.

What causes undereye bags and puffiness?
Undereye bags and puffiness come about with age, and commonly occur because of the weakening of the soft tissue that surrounds the eyes. When the tissue becomes weak, the natural fat that helps to support the eyes shifts downward below the tear trough, which is just under the eye. The movement of the fat away causes the area to appear hollow, and the fat pads that have shifted downward create undereye bags and puffiness.

How Juvederm reduces undereye bags and puffiness
Juvederm is a hyaluronic acid based filler that can be used to add volume to the skin. The hyaluronic acid particles in Juvederm attract and hold water when injected and this makes the skin appear naturally fuller and plumper.

When Juvederm is used to fill in the hollows below the eyes the skin becomes plump again, so the undereye bags and puffiness are largely eliminated, resulting in a refreshed appearance (learn more).

The results gained with Juvederm are not immediate as there is generally some swelling after treatment, and this can last up to 7days. In addition, it takes some time for the dermal filler to settle. Consequently final results can take up to one week to show.

Are you ready to treat your undereye bags? Search our directory to find a practice in your area.

If you are in the Long Beach, CA area, Laser Skin Care Center Dermatology Associates is our featured practice.

You can reach them at www.lasercarespecialists.com or by calling (562) 280-2071.

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