A Mommy Makeover after Pregnancy can improve your figure

For some women, the joy of pregnancy is often tainted by the overwhelming physical changes that take place in their body, especially in the breasts and tummy.  Because of this the mommy makeover procedure has become popular, as more women are anxious to restore their pre-pregnancy figure, and improve their overall well-being.

About a Mommy Makeover

A mommy makeover is a combination of several procedures that are customized to meet the specific needs of each woman. Some of the more common procedures include the tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, breast augmentation, and liposuction. A mommy makeover can go a long way in restoring a woman’s self-confidence after the body changes that occur due to pregnancy.

Mommy Makeover procedures

  • A tummy tuck is recommended for women that need to tone and flatten the abdominal region. The procedure involves the removal of excess skin and loose tissue that often remains in the midsection after pregnancy, and fails to respond to diet and exercise.  During a tummy tuck, the surgeon will also tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall.


  • A Breast lift is recommended for women whose breasts have stretched and started to sag. The procedure will raise the breasts, and also reposition the nipple, to restore youthful shape and contours.


  • Liposuction is recommended for women with diet-resistant fat on areas such as the hips and thighs. During the procedure a cannula (small tube) is used to remove excess fatty tissue and smooth and contour the area. Liposuction produces minimal scarring.

If you think you may need a mommy makeover, contact Song Plastic Surgery in Irvine, CA for a consultation. Dr. Song recognizes that each mommy makeover is unique, so he will take the time to discuss your goals, and determine the procedures you need to help restore your body after pregnancy.

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