Non-Ablative Body Contouring Laser Treatment

Cosmetic lasers have dramatically increased the precision and outcomes of cosmetic treatments.  There are many different types of cosmetic lasers, including the ablative laser, and the non ablative laser. The ablative laser is more powerful and invasive, while the non-ablative laser is minimally invasive, but still manages to  produce effective results.

Non-ablative lasers

Non-ablative lasers generally emit a lower level of energy than the ablative lasers. The ablative options blast away the entire surface of the skin, while non-ablative lasers treat specific zones. This ensures that healing can take place at a much faster rate, as there are healthy segments of skin tissue that can start the healing process quickly.

Non-ablative lasers can be used to carry out a range of cosmetic functions including skin rejuvenation and body contouring. There are fewer side effects associated with the use of the non ablative laser, due to the low energy output.

Alma vShape- Non-ablative body contouring                          

The vShape body contouring device by Alma Lasers is an effective non-ablative laser. vShape utilizes pixel radio frequency technology, to perform body tightening and fat reduction for the face and body. It can be used to resurface the skin to reduce wrinkles and blemishes, treat photo damaged skin, shrink pores, soften acne scars, and more.

The pixel RF technology treats only a small portion of the skin, about 20%, leaving the surrounding tissue untouched. The zones of untreated skin are able to start the repair process for the area that has been treated, and this speeds up the entire recovery, so that there is little downtime after treatment.

The vShape roller tip makes small microscopic injury channels in the skin. As the roller moves up and down the surface of the skin, it stimulates the skin cells. This has the two-fold effect of remodeling the collagen, (which helps to tighten the skin over time), and encouraging new cell growth.

The vShape is safe for use on all skin types, and is FDA cleared for the treatment of wrinkles and rhytids. It is also cleared for the treatment of cellulite.  It generally takes about 3-4 treatments to achieve optimal results. After skin rejuvenation treatment some redness and flaking will occur. This can last anywhere from 3 to 7 days.

In terms of results, patients can expect their skin to feel tighter, and the texture, will be noticeably smoother. The Alma vShape is a non-ablative laser that can be used to effectively tone and tighten the skin.

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