Orange County Teardrop Shaped Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is generally done to improve breast volume and shape. In Orange County, teardrop shaped implants are slowly gaining popularity for breast augmentation. They are generally made of cohesive gel, which makes them firmer, and more likely to hold their shape.

Shaped implants were widely used in Europe for many years, before being approved for use in the US in 2012. They are now highly recommended by many surgeons, and are particularly beneficial for reconstructive purposes. Surgeons find them easy to work with when shaping breast tissue after a mastectomy, or trauma to the breast.

For many years, round implants were the only implants used for breast enlargement. However, women in places like Orange County are now asking about teardrop shaped implants for breast augmentation.  This is due to the fact that these implants are able to satisfy the demand women have for natural looking results.

Shaped implants are recommended for women over the age of 22. The implants are available from 3 main US suppliers that have been approved by the FDA. They are available in a range of sizes to suit different body types. Unlike other implants, they don’t ripple easily, as the cohesive gel filler is able to maintain its form.

Some women like the teardrop shaped implants, because of the projection and silhouette they create. The sloping shape with the fuller bottom and tapering top resembles the natural breast, and this often makes them an appealing alternative for some women.

If you are considering breast enlargement, then be sure to contact a qualified plastic surgeon. Dr. Song and staff at Song Plastic Surgery in Orange County are very experienced with the use of teardrop shaped implants in breast augmentation, and can provide you with the requisite expertise.

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