Proven Hand Rejuvenation Treatments to Restore Your Hands

When you see wrinkles, sun spots, or prominent veins on your hands, then you know they are starting to age. However, it is possible to stop aging hands in their tracks with hand rejuvenation treatments. Hand rejuvenation involves the use of advanced laser technology, or injectable fillers, to restore the youthful appearance to your hands.

Sometimes your hands tell more about your age than your face does. As we get older the hands lose volume and firmness, and appear thin and dry. However, it often takes more than creams and lotions to get the hands looking plumper and younger. In this regard, there are several non-surgical treatments available that can help you reach that goal.

IPL for hand rejuvenation

It is possible to use intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy to improve the appearance of the hands. IPL is generally used to treat pigmentation issues, such as brown or red spots. The heat energy is absorbed by the melanin in the skin, which is the pigment that gives it that dark color. As the melanin absorbs the heat, the damaged skin cells are destroyed, leaving the healthy tissue behind.

IPL also stimulates the production of collagen. Collagen is the component that makes skin tight. As more collagen emerges, the skin gradually becomes firmer, taking on a softer, more youthful appearance. In addition, there will be fewer brown spots and blemishes after IPL treatment.

Radiofrequency for hand rejuvenation

Radiofrequency technology can also be used to revitalize the hands. It penetrates the skin, and encourages the production of collagen. As new collagen forms, the skin becomes firmer and smoother.

Hand rejuvenation treatments make it possible to improve the look and feel of the hands. These procedures are generally very safe, and are performed under local anesthesia. In most cases patients see improvements immediately after treatment.

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