Tighten loose Skin on the face and neck with CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing is a very effective treatment for skin irregularities such as hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and dark spots. It is also possible to tighten loose skin with CO2 laser skin resurfacing. In particular, the fractional CO2 laser rejuvenates all skin types. It is a gentle procedure that requires minimal downtime, and takes only about 30 minutes to perform.

How CO2 lasers tighten the skin

During treatment the doctor will typically pass the laser over the neck and face.  CO2 laser can restore the tone and texture of your skin, so that it is firmer and tighter than before. The CO2 lasers emit tiny pulses of laser energy that target the deep layers of the skin. In the case of fractional CO2 lasers, only a fraction of the skin’s surface is treated, while other areas are left untouched.

After treatment the skin will improve progressively as new collagen fibers emerge. The more collagen there is the tighter the skin becomes, as collagen is responsible for keeping the skin’s connective tissue strong and elastic.The number of treatments required will depend on the area being treated.

What to expect after treatment

Recovery takes about 2 weeks, but patients will experience a noticeable improvement in the appearance of their skin after the procedure. These changes will continue over the next few weeks, as optimal results can take up to 2 to 3 months.

At Song Plastic Surgery in Irvine, CA, Dr. Songtightens the skin with CO2 laser skin resurfacing treatments. The procedure can produce dramatic results by tightening the skin on the face and neck, as well as the cheeks and jowls. If you are bothered by loose skin or skin irregularities, then you can contact Song Plastic Surgery for consultation.

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