What is a natural eyelid lift?

If you have loose, saggy skin around the eyes or bags below them, you can certainly benefit from a natural eyelid lift. Rejuvenating the eyes will make you look younger and refreshed. But what is a natural eyelid lift, and how does it work.

Early eyelid rejuvenation techniques focused on removing skin and fat from the eye area. However, as the understanding of the anatomy of the eyelids has increased, there has been a move towards restoring lost volume to rejuvenate the appearance of aging eyes. That’s where the natural eyelid lift comes in.

What is a natural eyelid lift?
A natural eyelid lift is a fat transfer procedure that utilizes the patient’s own fat to rejuvenate the eyes. The fat for the procedure is harvested from another part of the body that has surplus amounts, such as the abdomen or thighs, and is removed using a specialized cannula (small tube). The fat undergoes a purification process and is then injected into the depressions in the orbital rim, or in the hollowsunder the eyes.

The natural eyelid lift is a safe procedure that provides natural appearing results, because the fat restores youthful fullness to the eyes.

Who is a good candidate?
The natural eyelid lift is ideal for people with mild drooping of the upper eyelids, or fat pockets below the eyes. However, the traditional eyelid lift is recommended for individuals that have a lot of excess skin in the upper eyelids.

Are you interested in a natural eyelid lift? Search our directory to find a practice in your area.

If you are in the Guilford, CT area, The Langdon Center for Laser and Cosmetic Surgery is our featured practice.

You can reach them Robert Langdon CT at www.langdoncenter.com, or by calling 844-551-9880.

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