What is a Tummy Tuck?

If you have excess skin around the belly button, and your dream of having a tighter, tauter tummy, a traditional tummy tuck may be your best answer. But what exactly is a tummy tuck and how does it work.

Traditional Tummy tuck

For the traditional tummy tuck or abdominoplasty, an incision is made above the pubic area, and the scars are usually hidden in the bikini line. The excess skin is removed, and the abdominal muscles are tightened to correct the spreading of the muscles. The belly button is also repositioned, and liposuction is performed as required.

Are you a good candidate?

Healthy individuals with minimal skin laxity respond best to tummy tuck procedures. The procedure fixes and repairs the abdominal muscles.

If you are ready to tighten that loose belly skin with a tummy tuck, contact Dr. Tenley Lawton in Newport Beach, today!

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