What Is the Best Treatment to Control My Breakouts?

Are you frustrated with acne breakouts? If you would like to have clear, radiant skin and you are wondering what is the best treatment to control your breakouts, rest assured that there are effective options for fighting existing acne, and minimizing breakouts in the future.

Why breakouts occur

Breakouts generally occur when the pores of the skin become clogged with dead skin cells, as well as oil from the sebaceous glands. This combination frequently stimulates the reproduction of bacteria that ultimately causes blackheads and whiteheads to develop. Acne most commonly appears on the face, chest, and back.

What is the best treatment to control my breakouts?

If you are looking to control bothersome acne breakouts, you should definitely give Isolaz a try. Isolaz is an FDA approved treatment that uses broadband light to treat acne. It is often recommended for people that have not been able to successfully control acne using other treatments (read more).

How Isolaz works

Isolaz is a non-surgical treatment that uses light therapy along with vacuum technology, to deep clean and purify the pores. The suction applies gentle pressure that loosens and extracts the dead skin cells, oil, and other debris that clog the pores. The device simultaneously emits pulses of light that destroy the acne-causing bacteria, and diminish facial redness. Isolaz also reduces the production of oil, to minimize future breakouts and promote healing.

Isolaz leaves the skin clearer and smoother, and is suitable for all types of acne and all skin types.

Are you ready to diminish stubborn acne with Isolaz? Search our directory to find a practice in your area.

If you are in the Orange County, CA area, Total Dermatology, Irvine, CA is our featured practice.

You can reach them at www.totaldermatology.com, or by calling (949) 531-7445.

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