What is the Recovery for a Neck Lift?

Do you have wrinkles, bands, or loose skin on your neck that you would like corrected? You may be a good candidate for a neck lift. A neck lift is the best way to resolve signs of aging on the neck and restore natural facial contours. A neck lift is a relatively straightforward operation, but people considering the procedure generally want to know what the recovery is like.

Neck Lift Overview

A neck lift is done to rejuvenate the jaw and neckline. It also restores balance to the facial features and helps patients regain a more youthful look. During a neck lift the surgeon will remove the excess skin and tighten the neck muscles, so as to define and contour the area. Liposuction may also be included as part of the procedure, to remove excess fat below the chin and further sculpt the neck and jawline.

A neck lift takes about 1½-2 hours to perform and is done under general anesthesia.

Neck Lift Recovery

Recovery after a neck lift is relatively short, and typically lasts 2-3 weeks, but patients are generally able to return to work and social activities within 10-14 days. However, recovery times vary depending on the extent of surgery.

There is generally some post-operative swelling and bruising that lasts for a few days, so patients are advised to keep the neck region elevated to help minimize swelling.

If you have a saggy neck that is aging your appearance, a neck lift can dramatically improve the look of your neck.

Are you interested in a neck lift? Search our directory to find a practice in your area to find out more about the procedure.

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