When will I see Results from Liposuction?

Do you have stubborn fat bulges on your abdomen, legs, or back that simply won’t budge despite healthy eating and regular exercise? Liposuction can help get rid of these troublespots and shape and contour your body. But when will you see results from liposuction.

What is liposuction?
Liposuction is a procedure that is done to removelocalized pockets of fat from the body. It can be performed under local anesthesia and IV sedation or general anesthesia; it depends on the volume of fat being removed.

The procedure is performed using a cannula (small tube) with a suction attached. The cannula is inserted under the skin through small incisions made in the targeted area. The cannula is moved back and forth within the treatment area to dislodge the fatty deposits, which are then suctioned out.

Liposuction can take 1-4 hours to complete, depending on the number of areas being treated.

Liposuction is ideal for people that are already at their goal weight and have firm, elastic skin, but have bulges of fat in specific areas that they can’t spot reduce.

When will you see results with liposuction?
There is generally some swelling and bruising after liposuction that can last several weeks, but patients will see some improvements in body contours within 3-4 weeks. Most of the swelling after liposuction subsides within three weeks, but some minor swelling may remain for several months. Final results of liposuction can take 6-12 months to show.

Are you interested in learning more about liposuction? Search our directory to find a practice in your area.

If you are in the greater Orange County CA area, Dr. Tenley Lawton in Newport Beach is our featured boardcertified plastic surgeon.

You can reach Dr. Lawton at www.lawtonmd.com, or by calling 949-640-0999.

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