There is help if your vagina is too tight

Some women have a vagina that is too tight, and this makes intercourse very uncomfortable and undesirable. That’s because it often results in a lot of pain, and so intercourse is no longer enjoyable or pleasurable. In some cases even inserting a tampon can be unbearable. So what should women with this problem do? Help is available from the specialists in vaginal disorders at Fowler Gyn International.

What causes vaginal tightness?

Before a woman starts having intercourse, the vaginal opening may be naturally tight. It’s quite likely that this is because the vaginal covering or hymen has not been disturbed. As a result, even using tampons can be difficult or painful at this stage. However, intercourse will cause the hymen to tear, and this can be a very painful experience for many women. But even after this, many women may still find that their vagina is simply too tight, making intercourse very uncomfortable.

Some women who experience lower estrogen effect at the level of the vaginal   mucosa can experience this problem. Lower vaginal tissue estrogen can occur for a number of reasons including genetics, lower ovarian reserve with age, borderline  body weight or underweight, vigorous exercise, smoking, use of certain types of hormonal birth control and undergoing menopause.

As a result, the vagina shrinks in size, and also becomes drier than normal. When the vagina shrinks, it becomes shorter and narrower.  This happens, because the tissues are not getting the estrogen they need to remain full and elastic.

How to relieve vaginal tightness

In order to get the help you need for this condition, you need to contact a gynecologist. Most are well versed in the treatment of menopausal vaginal dryness and how to effectively treat it. But for other causes, consulting with a specialist in vaginal disorders is the best way to get a solution.

At the Fowler GYN International they offer personalized treatment plans for women suffering with vaginal problems. Using advanced microscopic diagnosis, they are able to identify the cause of vaginal tightness, and tailor an individualized program to remedy the condition.

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