Will Juvederm Voluma make my face fat?

High cheekbones, a well-defined jawline, and smooth contours, are some of the features normally associated with an attractive face. Age-related facial fat loss can rob the face of youthful contours, but Juvederm Voluma is a great way to plump cheeks, and make your face look youthful again.  But are you wondering– Will Juvederm Voluma make my face fat? If you are, read on to find out more.

About Juvederm Voluma
Juvederm Voluma is an injectable facial filler by Allergan, and is approved by the FDA to restore volume and fullness to the midface and nearby areas.  Juvederm Voluma is a smooth product that flows well, and its thicker consistency makes it the ideal volumizer for the cheeks.

Like some of the other fillers on the market, Juvederm Voluma is derived from hyaluronic acid (HA), but the HA is cross-linked using a special technique that gives it greater lifting capacity.

How it works
Juvederm Voluma is placed deep within the tissues using a very small needle, and it works to provide maximum lift. The procedure takes about 15 to 30 minutes to complete, and the effects can last up to 18 months, longer in some cases.

So will Juvederm Voluma make your face fat?
Juvederm Voluma injections should be done by an experienced injector who will ensure that the injections are placed in the precise location, using the right amount of product. This is the best guarantee you have of getting the natural results you desire. People who choose qualified, competent injectors rarely have complications.

Dr. Mark Craig of Accent Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Tupelo, MS is an experienced injector, who is very knowledgeable about skin care, so your face will be in expert hands. Why not call (662) 377-6290today and schedule an appointment, and find out how Juvederm Voluma can restore the youthful contours to your face.

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