Worried About Scarring & Natural Look if I Have Eyelid Surgery?

If your eyes are starting to look droopy and tired, eyelid surgery can make a world of difference to their appearance. But if you’re worried about scarring and achieving a natural look if you have eyelid surgery, you may want to consider a natural eyelid lift. Yes, it is possible to rejuvenate your eyes and improve your overall look, with a natural eyelid lift.

Eyelid Lift (Blepharoplasty)

Traditional eyelid surgery involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the eyelids. It may be done on the upper or lower eyelid, or on both. The incisions for surgery are generally well concealed within the crease of the eyelids, so they are virtually invisible after surgery.

Natural eyelid lift

The procedure is done with the use of fat that has been harvested from an area of the body where it is least required. The fat is extracted by way of liposuction, after which it goes through a purification process, before being grafted into the area around the eyes. Adding fat to the lids makes them fullerand creates a fresher, younger look.

The natural eyelid lift is recommended for individuals with minimal laxity in the skin around the eyes. If you have significant drooping of the upper and lower lids, as well as pockets of fat in the lower lid, a surgical blepharoplasty is recommended.

The natural eye lift is available in Guilford, CT, at the Langdon Center for Laser & Cosmetic Surgery. Call 844-551-9880today to set up a consultation with board certified cosmetic surgeon Dr. Robert Langdon. Connecticut will assess the appearance of your eyelids, and determine if you would be a good candidate for a natural eyelid lift.

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